Welcome to my CV page!
I'm Guilherme Zordan, from Brazil.
I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer
with 9 years of experience.

Work History

I started my professional journey as a salesperson and technician in a computer store. During this period, I learned how to sell, install networks, build and give maintanence to personal and enterprise computers.
(from 10/2011 to 04/2014)

Later, I had the opportunity to work with Oracle technologies at Compass where I started my career as a software engineer. I started as a Junior Trainee Developer. The tools we were using at the time were Oracle Commerce, Oracle Database, Java, JavaScript and jQuery. My main assignments there were to fix UI and backend bugs on the eCommerce platform we were giving support.
(from 04/2014 to 09/2015)

My main focus then turned to delivering the final paper and finishing college. I was able, then, to study new technologies and improve my programming skills.
I also did freelance work by developing hybrid mobile apps with AngularJS and backend with Ruby on Rails. I learned Linux, bash script, SQL, git and heroku to develop and deliver front-to-back complete applications to my small portfolio of clients. (from 10/2015 to 01/2018)

In February of 2018 I joined Meta as a Java and JavaScript developer. But, after demonstrating my skills, I was quickly assigned to act as a front-end tech lead and designed the front-end project architecture for an important pharmaceutical network company using React, Redux and Material UI.
(from 02/2018 to 02/2019)

In April 2019, still working at Meta, and after the previous project ended, I was transferred to a new one to build a mobile financial loan application, I participated as a React Native and Node Engineer. My role was to give support to our team acting as a front-end tech lead to develop the mobile application using React Native and its surronding technologies such as React Navigation, Redux, Redux Saga and Jest/Enzyme. This project also had a well though CI/CD pipeline.
Upon completion of the project, I followed as its maintainer. My main role was to give support to any needed manual changes to the PostgreSQL database and also fixed bugs o our application's both front and back-ends
By December of 2019 the project had handled more than 1 million BRL in financial loans.
(from 04/2019 to 12/2019)

In December of 2019, I joined the international team at Bairesdev to work as a React Native and Node Engineer on a app of healthcare hypothyroidism studies program. My main responsibilities there were to develop the React Native app using AWS Amplify and lambda functions utilizing Amazon Cloud Formation with Node. (from 12/2019 to 04/2020)

In April 2020, while still at Bairesdev I was assigned to a new project as a third party contractor at Praxent. In that role, I worked as a Full Stack Web developer, using technologies such as Node, React, Microsoft SQL Server, Heroku and GraphQL. This was a huge project that often needed engineering meetings and pair programming. I had a great relationship with all QA and programmers there. This project was full of achievements, since then, I became one of the top 10% Engineers at BairesDev.
(from 04/2020 to 02/2021)

After the project at Praxent was transferred to the customer's in-house development, I was allocated to a small startup project as the only tech lead/frontend engineer of a 4-person team to work on React development for a catering software solution. The project used Material UI, flow typings, Redux Thunk and Jest with Enzyme. There, my main achievement was to greatly improve the filter and sorting performance of the kanban board present within the application. It was developed using the React Drag and Drop library.
(from 02/2021 to 06/2021)

Althought my participation on the last project was a success, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to join Adobe Workfront's team - still under BairesDev umbrella - and then, decided accept The Front-End Accessibility Engineer role at Adobe Workfront. My responsabilities as an Accessibility Engineer were to add a11y features to the 20 years old ongoing Workfront application. We were remediating the tool by adding Keyboard and Screen Reader support to it. I, as a software engineer also play the QA engineer role, since our merge requests must fullfil certain requirements and one software engineer reviews the whole work of the other (including manual testing). I've obtained experience with architecture solutions like Microfrontends, versioning of node packages and building these microfrontends using roll-up and testing their build using yalc. I also fix CI/CD pipeline issues and worked daily with tools like Jest, React Testing Library, Typescript and Styled components.
(from 06/2021 to 06/2022)

Check out my video talk on accessibility!

In June 2022, I joined Nearform A Software Company from Ireland. There, I developed an automated Github Application named UnbreakCI using Fastify, Jest and the Github GraphQL API. I was the only engineer in the team, so my responsibilities were to maintain this app and deploy it to the GCP cloud, now it is available for the public to use.
(from 06/2022 to 09/2022)

In October 2022, I started at Number8. There, I worked with a large legacy project for an important client, where, for security reasons, there is the need to upgrade all the libraries used in the project. My main responsibilities were to upgrade the servers node versions from 6 to 18, using bash scripting and Docker containers, we also migrated versions for the two databases being used in this project: SQL Server and MongoDB and their respective drivers. And lastly, upgraded all the front-end and back-end libraries while at the same time, ensuring everything is still working properly. I'm also took care of the CI/CD of the entire process, using Jenkins and Github.
(from 10/2022 to 04/2023)

I'm still working at Number8 but with a different client. I'm currenlty a senior full-stack developer in a project that uses Microsoft OCR AI technologies with Azure Functions in C#, CosmosDB and Storage Queues. The frontend is in React.
(from 04/2023 to currently)


I have a degree in Analysis and Systems Development provided by the
Universidade de Passo Fundo.
(2013/1st - 2017/2nd)

From tech, to businesses, personal development, productivity and financial markets. I really enjoy reading and taking courses on many subjects.

I've got a Udacity Nanodegree React JS certification
I'm a GitLab Certified Associate
I studied at Alura Cursos online em tecnologia.

I speak Portuguese natively and my English is very advanced.


Here is my Github profile page https://github.com/guizordan
My LinkedIn profile page
Contact me by this e-mail address guilhermezordan@outlook.com
or my phone number +55 (54) 9 2000-0196

Well-established design processes and standards and honest team communication are keys to a project's long-term success and maintenance.

Thank you for your time!